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How To Create A Unique Spring Garden With Containers And Minimal Space

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There are many different things that can be done to create a unique garden for your home, such as a raised garden or a separate fenced area. When you have a limited amount of space, these may be difficult ideas to accomplish. For smaller spaces, you may want to consider solutions like containers and vertical designs. Here are some ideas that you may want to consider to give your home a unique look and a vegetable garden that is productive:

1. Use Containers Of Different Sizes And Stack Them For An Herb Garden

One of the common uses of small garden spaces is to plant fresh herbs. If you do not have a lot of space, you may want to consider vertical solutions. You can get containers of the same style in various sizes. Start with the largest container and fill it 2/3 full of soil, then add the next smallest container and fill it. Continue this process to create a terraced design with different containers for herbs and other plants that can have shallow soil, such as strawberries.

2. Build A French Cleat System On Walls To Organize Planters Of Different Sizes

If you want to have plants on the wall of your home, it can be difficult to care for the containers, change the soil and do other tasks. To solve this problem, consider using a French cleat system, which can allow you to organize the containers and use them all year for different planting seasons. This is something you can also do in other areas, such as on a fence, privacy screen or railings on a deck.

3. Plant Tubers Like Potatoes In Sacks To Save Space And Produce A Bountiful Harvest

Tubers are plants like potatoes, carrots, and radishes. These are great plants to use large containers with, but they need plenty of soil to grow. Consider using cloth sacks for these materials instead, which can save you money and be easier to move around. Remember that smaller sacks will produce small potatoes, which may be good if you want to have a harvest of new potatoes.  

4. Let Vines Like Cucumbers And Pole Beans Grow Over Railings And Fences With Containers

Vines can be a good solution for many different container gardens. There are some plants that do better than others, such as beans and cucumbers, which can be planted in smaller containers. Smaller squash species can also do well. These vine plants can be left to climb on railings, fence or a trellis attached to a wall. If you do larger fruits like pumpkins or watermelons, remember that they need more soil and will need support as the fruit begins to mature and becomes heavy.

These are some ideas that you may want to consider to create a unique garden for your home. If you are ready to get started with your urban garden project, contact an online home decor service to get help with some of these ideas and materials to make your urban garden look great.
