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Three Creative Playroom Ideas To Help Your Child Learn

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Whether you homeschool or simply want a playroom that encourages your child to learn from a young age, creating active learning spaces in the room will benefit your child. One way to create learning spaces is to take a lesson from how some preschools are set up, with different zones to encourage the building of various skills. Below are a few such spaces and zones that are easy to add to your playroom design.

The Art Center

This is a must for any young child. Begin by placing a rug on the floor so messes don't have to equal worry. Then, add a stand-up easel and a small work table. A hook on the wall for art aprons is also handy. Finish the art center off with child friendly craft supplies. You can put those items that need minimal supervision in easily accessible places, such as paper, crayons, pencils, stencils, and chalk. Items that are best used with supervision, such as paints and markers, can be placed higher or in a closed cabinet. Don't forget to include other craft items, including glue, scissors, pipe cleaners, and felt, so that your child can really stretch their creativity.

A Puzzle and Building Station

This can quickly become one of the favorite places in the room, For this simple station all you need are plenty of shelves and drawers at a child friendly level, plus a large, low table or plenty of floor space to create. Interlocking building blocks, wooden blocks, and other building systems are all suitable additions to this station. You may also want to include a few wooden puzzles that can be spread across the floor or table. Other options include large train or road sets that a child designs and assembles themselves. They will learn both problem solving and simple engineering skills as they play in this station.

Fully Stocked Play Kitchen

Well made wooden play kitchens are more than just a spot to play house, they also teach a child math and problem solving skills. Begin with a fully appointed kitchen with play stove, pantry, and sink. Then, add a selection of play foods, measuring cups, and toy cooking and serving implements. You can level up the kitchen even more by including a play store nearby. This doesn't need to include much more than a shelf to hold extra play food and a cash register with play money. Your child will learn to handle money and use measuring cups, adding to the real world skills they will need someday.
